Arnold Fruchtenbaum states:
[I]mminency does not mean that “no prophesied events must occur before the rapture.” Imminence means that no prophecied event must be fulfilled before the rapture, although the possibility does exist.”
In attempt to “correct” Marvin Rosenthal’s definition of imminence, Fruchtenbaum ends up restating what Rosenthal said! Rosenthal got the pretrib definition correct in the first place, so Fruchtenbaum’s statement misrepresents Rosenthal.
No pretrib teacher would disagree with Rosenthal’s definition of imminence, since they use this same definition themselves.
* Fruchtenbaum, Arnold G. “Is There a Pre-Wrath Rapture?” In When the Trumpet Sounds, edited by Thomas Ice and Timothy Demy, 410.