Every so often I post my list of responses to posttribulation theology. So below is the link to my compendium of responses. While prewrath shares some affinity with posttrib there are significant differences. For example:
1. Prewrath does not believe that the second coming will be an instantaneous or single-day (simple) event. Rather, it will be complex unfolding through a manifold events (as the first coming of Christ).
2. Revelation 19 does not picture the inception of Christ’s second coming. Rather, it pictures Christ coming to battle the nations at the end of his wrath, not the beginning of his coming. The second coming begins between the sixth and the seventh seal.
3. Prewrath does not view the seals, trumpets, and bowls as identical events (i.e. “from different perspectives”) or as different events but occurring “at the same time.” Rather, the narrative depicts them occurring one after another.
4. Prewrath does not believe that after God’s people meet Jesus in the sky they immediately descend with Christ to the earth. Rather, Scripture explicitly states Jesus brings them before the throne of the Father in heaven.
5. Prewrath does not view the resurrection taking place in Revelation 20. Rather, it takes place after the sixth seal is opened (see Rev 7). Revelation 20 depicts the elevated status of the martyrs who have been resurrected, rather than depicting the resurrection taking place at Rev 20:4.
6. Prewrath does not believe that in Matthew 24 those who are taken are the unrighteous for judgment and those left behind are the righteous for the kingdom.
I still have never had a single posttribber respond (i.e. interact meaningfully) to any of these points!
Send the following link to any posttribbers you know: