Years ago I gave up hope of many pretrib teachers, who claim to be concerned with that little thing called . . . “truth,” of representing the prewrath position accurately, even just the most basic facts.
Today Gary Stearman of Prophecy Watchers had Bob Ulrich on promoting the upcoming pretrib prophecy conference of their 2nd Annual Blessed Hope Prophecy Forum. In the video below he says that one of the sessions will have a speaker respond to the prewrath position. Ulrich then goes onto torture the description of the prewrath position giving the impression that it teaches the rapture will occur at the “midpoint” when the church faces the Antichrist.
However, I am encouraged greatly—and I do not say this lightly—that prewrath is making significant inroads into their pretrib circles where they feel the need to devote sessions in their pretrib conferences to respond to the prewrath position. Thinking believers are waking up and realizing that the church is not going to be whisked away before the Antichrist arrives—they recognize that there are sober times ahead for God’s people, which pretrib teachers are not preparing them for.
Urlich is starting a history of falsehoods. Last year when he was promoting the first annual conference he said this: