“For we are not like many, peddling the word of God, but as from sincerity, but as from God, we speak in Christ in the sight of God.” (2 Cor 2:17)
Notice the last statement in the verse above: “we speak in Christ in the sight of God.” Evidently, this statement does not register with Crone, since recently he flippantly defamed countless believers who affirm the prewrath position and love Jews by falsely calling them anti-Semites and replacement theologians for…get this…believing that the Church will enter into the seven-year period. See the video documentation below.
Billy Crone is defaming countless non-pretrib Christians by falsely attributing the following two beliefs to them:
Anti-Semitism is “hostility to or prejudice against Jews.”
Replacement Theology is “the Church has replaced Israel and thereby Israel has no future plan in God’s program.”
If you are not a pre-tribber as Crone is, you are an anti-Semite, according to his twisted logic.
Never mind the fact that one of the main pillars of prewrath eschatology is affirming God’s unconditional promise to Israel, a love for Israel that prewrath has consistently defended from its inception.
Never mind the fact that we have put on conferences that specifically argue against replacement theology and anti-Semitism, including having keynote speaker and prewrather Barry Horner who has written the book: Future Israel: Why Christian Anti-Judaism Must Be Challenged.
Never mind the fact that I am co-editing (and soon to be announced) the most extensive, scholarly book to have ever been published responding specifically to Supersessionism of Israel’s future (aka Replacement Theology) by twenty-five leading scholars.
Never mind the fact that Eschatos Ministries, the Jewish ministry Zions Hope Ministries, Sign Ministries, and a host of other prewrath ministries have been on the forefront of refuting anti-Semitism and Replacement Theology. Evidently, Joel Richardson is also an anti-Semite and replacement theologian according to Billy Crone’s twisted logic!
And speaking of the forefront of combating anti-Semitism and Replacement Theology, according to Crone’s twisted and defamatory logic the Jewish Messianic apologist Michael Brown must be anti-Semitic and a replacement theologian because he is posttrib!
And never mind the fact that out here in New Jersey with one of the highest concentration of Jews in the country I witness personally to Jews. Has Crone ever stepped into a synagogue and witnessed to Jews including the Rabbi? If I am an “anti-Semite” according to Crone why on earth would I be loving Jews and sharing the Gospel with him? We are never told by him.
Crone’s indefensible and irresponsible accusation should be retracted if he is concerned about “speaking in Christ in the sight of God.”
I could turn Crone’s twisted logic against him and say that he is anti-Semitic and a replacement theologian since as a prettribber he does not believe that God is working with Israel at this very time during the Church age. But I am not going to stoop to such bottom-of-the barrel cheap, defamatory, flawed reasoning, because I want to “speak in Christ in the sight of God.”
Pretribulational teachers such as Crone get away with this stuff quite a bit. I ignore most of it, but at times they need to be called on it.
Where is this all coming from? I have said before that these pretrib teachers and pretrib TV hosts know that prewrath is making major inroads into their circles. They do not like this. So it is easier to misrepresent prewrath and make desperate attacks against a position using skewed reasoning while thinking he has the authority to redefine terms on the whim such as “anti-Semitism” and “Replacement theology” that utterly lack any semblance to their genuine meanings.
Crone makes up new meanings of these weighty and somber terms to fit his pretrib agenda and demonize other positions such as prewrath—and consequently he drains the true meanings of the ugliness of anti-Semitism and Replacement Theology for his petty pretrib motives, eclipsing them with his idiosyncratic, agenda-laden usage. It’s like the Social Justice Warrior who cries “racism” every other breath, emptying out the true and serious meaning of racism.
Is it any wonder why pretribs are leaving in droves and affirming other eschatological positions such as prewrath? This type of reasoning (actually an attack) is unbecoming of a Christian. It may play well with non-Berean pretrib types, but not thinking, Christ-loving believers who love Jews, praying and loving them to the true Messiah: Jesus of Nazareth.