In Matthew 23, in his lament over Jerusalem, Jesus says, “For I tell you, you will not see me again, until you say, ‘Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.’” Jesus predicts a return to Jerusalem at a time when those in Jerusalem will acknowledge that he comes in the name of the Lord. They will acknowledge that he is sent by the Lord. But more than that, they will acknowledge Jesus as God, with all the attributes and authority of his Father. This change of heart will be salvation for Jerusalem and by extension all Israel. Can this return to Jerusalem by Jesus be located within end times events with any precision? In this article I will attempt to link passages in Isaiah and other Old Testament prophets to this predicted event from the lips of Christ. I will attempt to delineate what must precede this coming and what will follow. First, I will lay some ground work from the prophet Isaiah. READ MORE…