We are continuing our series on platitudes that are frequently uttered intended to deflate our enthusiasm to study biblical prophecy, shutting down discussion of God’s Word about our Lord’s coming.
“Who are you to think that you have the right answer?”
This is a form of platitude #2 and #3.
This platitude typically is uttered by a prideful person who feels threatened that you are studied on this doctrine and he or she is not. The humble, teachable response by this person should instead be “Please describe to me what you have learned from God’s Word on this important doctrine, so I can learn as well.”
So how should you respond to this platitude?
You need to understand that this question implies that the person most likely does not believe Scripture actually reveals a right answer. However, with all the other platitudes you will face, simply respond with Scripture.
For example, you can cite Paul’s exhortation in the context of his teaching on the Antichrist: “Do you not remember that when I was still with you I told you these things?” (2 Thess 2:5). In this verse, Paul urges believers that they should strive for the right interpretation. And just before this verse Paul exhorted, “Let no one deceive you in any way” (2 Thess 2:3). How can we avoid being deceived if there is no “right” answer?
In addition, how can we take our Lord’s warning seriously if there cannot be a right answer?: “See, I have told you beforehand” (Matt 24:25). Many more examples could be adduced.
Those who think it is not possible to have a right answer on Jesus’ teaching, cannot live out his teaching.
Take away: Who am I to think that I have the right answer? Because I am commanded to have the right answer, which propels me as a child of God to search his Word day and night for truth asking his Spirit to illuminate my mind and heart.