These were the last recorded words of Hitler conceding the defeat of Germany just before he committed suicide. He told his personal aide “…to break up and scatter to the West.” To which his aid replied, “For whom should we fight now?” Hitler, in a monotone voice, said, “For the coming man.” Or according to Erich Kuby who interviewed Hitler’s valet Heinz Linge, Hitler said, Für den Mann der kommt nach mir (“For the man who comes after me”).
Was Hitler referring to his immediate successor? This does not really make sense given that Hitler knew that Germany’s surrender was imminent. In addition, it does not makes sense because of Hitler’s imperative “to break up and scatter to the West.” If Hitler was speaking of escaping to the West, then how does one follow a new German leader in the West? It may be possible, but there is another interpretation.
Was Hitler (inspired or possessed by Satan) referring to a man, a leader, much more significant in scope, an Antichrist figure? It may be likely. Satan knows that the Bible prophesies that an eschatological man—the Antichrist—must come on the scene one day. And so Satan could had been using Hitler as a mouthpiece.
We know that Satan has been attempting to exterminate Jews from the time of Egypt and in the past three thousand plus years of Israel-Jewish history. It is very possible that Satan has directly possessed the leader of each of the nations throughout history that has tried to exterminate God’s chosen people.
A plausible scenario for Nazi Germany is that Satan possessed Hitler, again trying to exterminate the Jews, as Satan tried to fill the role of Antichrist in the person of Hitler. But once again—in a long series of attempts throughout the millennia—Satan was thwarted in his plan to exterminate all Jews. Thus, in the very last days of Hitler, Satan realized that Hitler would not be that final Antichrist as portrayed in the Bible, prompting Satan to look ahead to another man he will possess, thus having Hitler utter, “For the coming man.”
Hitler was a type of Antichrist, just as many before him were. But Hitler was not the Antichrist. That Antichrist is still to come.