John Ankerberg has a video he is selling that you can find in the link above. But it contains no description of the video, such as who is doing the critiquing and what issues were covered. I am assuming it was Ankerberg himself. And I am certainly not going to pay the exorbitant price of $49.00 to find out nothing that I am sure I have never heard before.
This brings me to another issue. Ankerberg’s television show is supposed to be about interaction between different people with different perspectives on a selected single topic. I would think in his many years with his show there was one on the rapture question. However, if I am not mistaken there has never been a prewrath exponent on this show. If that is so, I would like to ask Ankerberg to have a prewrather on his show interacting with other eschatological perspectives. I know that Ankerberg is pretribulational, so I would be happy to go on his show myself and interact with him on the rapture question. Perhaps some of you can write him and encourage him to host a show on this issue inviting a prewrath exponent to represent our position.
UPDATE: I found this on another page describing the video:
Guest: Dr. Renald Showers. This Video Features Professor Renald Showers answering questions about: The Rapture; The Pre-wrath view of the rapture; Imminency; The Tribulation Period.
Perhaps then Ankerberg can have Showers and myself join his show for a robust debate on this question. We shall see. In Ankerberg’s mission statement, he writes: “The formats of choice for this apologetics ministry are informal debates between representatives of differing belief systems, and documentary-styled presentations on major issues in society to which the historic Christian faith has something of consequence to say.”