ANOTHER Meaning of “Do not cook a young goat in its mother’s milk”
Has the Church Replaced Israel?
What Is the Sign to the Second Parousia of Jesus?

Dr. Alan Kurschner explained Jesus's reply to his disciples's question about the sign to his Second Parousia (i.e. coming) and the end of the age. Jesus warned that there would be false signs from false messianic claimants. Jesus—the Son of … [Continue reading] about What Is the Sign to the Second Parousia of Jesus?
An Objection that the New Earth Cannot Exist During the Millennium
An Easy Refutation to the Objection that the New Earth Cannot Exist During the Millennium. I have heard that "the New Earth cannot be realized during the millennium because sinful mortals will populate it." The implication is that it would … [Continue reading] about An Objection that the New Earth Cannot Exist During the Millennium
Excellent Critique of an Eschatology Round Table (VIDEO)
This review was excellent as it shows that Zechariah 14 reveals that postmills and amills bow the knee to theological commitments rather than to God's Word. At one point, an audience member asked the participants about Zechariah 14, and both the … [Continue reading] about Excellent Critique of an Eschatology Round Table (VIDEO)
Minnesota Bible Prophecy Conference – April 26

PDF Conference Flyer … [Continue reading] about Minnesota Bible Prophecy Conference – April 26
My Foreword to What on Earth Is Heaven Like: The New Creation and the New Jerusalem
Here is the PDF of Janet Willis's new book What on Earth Is Heaven Like: The New Creation and the New Jerusalem. Get the book here --> … [Continue reading] about My Foreword to What on Earth Is Heaven Like: The New Creation and the New Jerusalem
NEW BOOK on Premillennial New Creationism

Janet Willis, the female "Randy Alcorn," makes new arguments that the New Jerusalem, New Heavens, and New Earth will be established at the beginning of the millennium. Willis also shows that John's New Jerusalem and Ezekiel's millennial city are … [Continue reading] about NEW BOOK on Premillennial New Creationism
Janet Willis (the Female “Randy Alcorn”) Has Published on Premillennial New Creationism

Making new arguments that the New Jerusalem, New Heavens, and New Earth are established at the beginning of the millennium is just the beginning. Willis also shows that John's New Jerusalem and Ezekiel's millennial city are identical. And much … [Continue reading] about Janet Willis (the Female “Randy Alcorn”) Has Published on Premillennial New Creationism
Why Jesus Will Sit on David’s Throne on EARTH in the FUTURE (Davidic Covenant)

Dr. Alan Kurschner delivered an inductive study on the Davidic covenant, making a case that David's throne is still in the future and will be fulfilled on earth. In this study, he critiqued the interpretive principle used by many Covenant Theology … [Continue reading] about Why Jesus Will Sit on David’s Throne on EARTH in the FUTURE (Davidic Covenant)